Monday, August 16, 2010

How to become close friends with someone?

This girl and I use to be best friends but she met other people and so have I. However, I want to be close friends with her again and how would I go about that? We still talk every once in a while but it's kind of awkward.How to become close friends with someone?
First, you have to ask yourself, is this a friendship woth savings. Sometimes, we hold on to friendships that should be over because we are trying to hold on to the past. But if you decide that yes, you really want to keep this person as a friend, you need to sit down with her and ask her point blank, ';Why are we not close any more?'; You might be surprised with the answer. It could be a simple mis-communication or something more.

You will change friends a lot in your life as your life changes. So it's ok either way. Good luck!

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