Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you become friends with someone?

so im a girl and i have this hottie who's a year older than me in my school bus,im 13 and he's probably 14,i wanna be gd friends with him soooooooooo badly!!! but idk what to say really! and this isn't the only time,i actually have a problem with talking or starting conversations you know...or talking in general,so we kinda have like encounters like hey wats up? have you heard about what happened 2day? that girl with me in my class is with this guy with you in your class right? it's really weird and then IM EMPTY! so im still standing up for 2 mins or something then i give up,i open my ipod and start listening ,so how do you actually become friends with someone? especially if he's a guy!How do you become friends with someone?
First off you should sit with him on the bus, and give him a compliment. Like on his clothes or shoes or something.How do you become friends with someone?
He may be feeling the same way you feel. He may not know what to say either. Practice is the only thing that can make talking to others more comfortable. Try talking to people you don't normally talk with for practice. Maybe try to think of more things to ask him like what he does after school? Does he play sports? Who are his guy friends? Does he go to the shops around town? What songs are his favorites or what bands? Do you have any classes together?

I know it can be hard, but try to relax. Just be you.
this guy is trying to talk to u.... he obviously wants to be friends. you might be sending the wrong message by putting in your ipod. just ask him questions. like if he says 'hey wats up?'say ';good, how about you, your day going good?'; this way he has to answer, and does the talking. act interested in wat he says, act like u really care. laugh alot, and smile. look at him, not the roof or the ground. this shows him u wanna be friends. just let it flow. GOOD LUCK!!!

I understand where you are coming from.

Just start to make occasional conversation with him.

Such as';hey how are you,'; or ';whats up';?

If you cant start it, than let him.

Next time he talks to you, just go along with it.

And eventually, just keep talking to him and talking to him.

You guys will eventually start to become friends.

But dont be nervous when you try to talk to him. Just be yourself!


Hope I helped!
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